Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Husband would come in the fitting room with his wife. Is that Okay?

Dear Dr. Jim 

Well, Doctor, I'm pretty pertabated today.  My Missus is shopping for dresses, they hardly trade in those anymore. 

So I'm sitting in a nice chair at the entrance to the lady's fitting rooms. There's no one to fit you any more either. Things just aren't like they used to be. 

That also goes for shopping for clothes with your lady friend as well.  I'm the only guy in this whole store, about like the six. 

That gets to my question.  
Is it alright for me, her husband, to help the Missus with her fit in the dressing room? 

Just Like to Help the Missus; 
  in Need Help, Arkansas

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Dear JLHM 

Hi there, I hope maybe you've fixed this situation up by now.  I do hope so because I sure don't want to say anything bad off the cuff here.  

Let me start with these words, MOST WOMEN FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE WHEN A MAN IS IN THERE WITH THEM IN THE LADIES DRESSING ROOMS, even if all the other doors are closed or the curtains pulled. 

Saying that, I would not recommend that your Hub come into the dressing room with you.

If you would feel comfortable wearing your debatable purchase it is alright for you to wear it out in the Husband Waiting Area for him to see and help you if he can. 

And don't you dare say that I said he might sneak in if you two would be the only ones in the dressing room area.  I have seen that being done, most time that keeps the other women from coming in. 

I hope this helps, please keep your modesty for the rest of us. 

Any readers have something to say about this advice?

Dr. Jim, ambassador for doing right 

Oh yes, I do like the nickname, or is it her given, "Missus".  Sometimes I call my wife "Missy."

So, keep on keep'n on, and till then, "Please ask your question or leave your comment now!" (Just ask me and you will remain anonymous)

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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

No Free Medical Advice from This Doc

Dear Dr. Jim 

I have been having this problem and don't know how to handle it. 

It started with a pain in my left shoulder being stiff.  I woke up with it hurting that way.  

The next morning my left hip was stiff and hurting, the shoulder was some better.  By night my left foot also hurt though my shoulder had stopped hurting. 

A day later that same problem was affecting my right shoulder, then migrated to my hip and down to my right toe. 

Next day it was my left shoulder all over again.  Finally the pain moved to my left hip.and stopped there.  

Well Doc, any ideas what is wrong with me?

Hurting in St Paul, Arthur Cheapy

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Dear Art Cheap 

You know I'm not a Medical Doctor so I am not qualified to give you medical.advice.  My doctorate is in Law so in education I am entitled to the name prefix of Doctor, abbreviated "Dr."  

And if with using  that title we retire from academia then we are entitled to keep using it in retirement, which I have done.

Now, my free advice.  Sometimes what you save by avoiding expense costs a lot more than doing things right.

That said my curiosity got the best of me so I ran your story by my physician.  

Right away he scolded me for trying to get free medical advice from him worse than I was telling you.  Nevertheless he did give me a hint that this sounds like the behavior of osteoarthritis.  

He said that if he was right you should see your doctor right away for treatment before it gets any worse. 

That was the good news.  He said there isn't a cure for that but medicine can for sure ease the pain and sometime it may also slow its growth, but not much most times. 

So my free advice for you Mr. Cheapy, is to stop being cheap and go see your medical doctor.  

Let me know the Doc's verdict, Dr Jim  

So, keep on keep'n on, and till then, "Please ask your question or leave your comment now!" (Just ask me and you will remain anonymous)

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