Monday, December 17, 2007

This Burbank fellow just wants to stay home all the time

Dear Dr. Jim

I am having the problem of my life. It seems that I don't want to go anyplace anymore. I don't even want to leave the house except for Saturdays and Sundays.

Especially I don't want to go to school. I don't like to go there, I don't like the people there, especially the pupils and teachers, and don't like to do anything they are wanting me to do there.

I will honor your advice, my wife says I should write you and we have this agreement.

Wanna B. Homebody, in Burbank.

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Dear Wanna B.

I have checked the surroundings you are exposed to at that school, everything and everybody is fairly nice, with the exceptions of a few U. Gnow What's. Nastiness runs in the What family and is to be to be expected.

Then I checked with Mrs. Homebody, she says you just have to go as you are a teacher there.

So, it looks like you are stuck there. You could change schools next school year. Or you could change lines of work. That may involve schooling which you probably wouldn't like. What about retirement? I know a retired teacher who has become a golf marshal at a nearby golf course. She gets all the golfing she wants, free.

You can toss a coin about the options above. But tomorrow and for a while you don't have any choice.

So enjoy your weekends, but get your lazy b*tt back to school.

So, keep on keep'n on, and till then,
"Please ask your question or leave your comment now!"
(Just ask me and you will remain anonymous)


Anonymous said...

If he wants to change careers, get more education, and avoid cmpus classes, he could study on-line courses.

Salar37_Shushan said...

or apply for a bank teller's job? our maybe even apply to be a private tutor for a wealthy family :)


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